Do you blame poor planning, weak leadership, and fickle customers for undermining your projects? You might be over-relying on a 'follow-the-leader' frame of reference, when you could be tapping into your true source of power and authority - yourself!

Using the fable of the blind men failing to describe an elephant to each other, David Schmaltz identifies the most common root cause of project failure: incoherence - the inability of a group of people to make common meaning from their common experience. He provides a set of simple techniques that anyone can use to encourage project coherence and transform their "wicked project fuzziness" into personally meaningful results.

The Blind Men and the Elephant explores just how much influence you command and undermines the most common excuses that keep people trapped in meaningless pursuits. It offers practical advice for overcoming the inevitable difficulties of project work.
Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Paperback, 141 pages, ISBN: 1-57675-253-4
Available from your favorite bookseller or directly from Berrett-Koehler Publishers

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