
Rendered Fat Content

The White Collar Recession

The whole series now resides here. (original summary)
Yesterday, my local newspaper, The Walla Walla Union Bulletin, published the final installment of my White Collar Recession series. The series started when I sent my Dispatch From The Front Lines blog post to one of the UB's editors, then went in for an uncomfortable conversation. The editor connected me with a reporter, Vicki Hillhouse, who later wrote a feature piece to accompany publication of the first installment, Awareness: Coyote Continuity.

Over the following seven issues, another installment appeared on each front page.

I fashioned the series using Jeannie McLendon's Seven A-s, an outline intended to help individuals, families, and groups work through catastrophic change: Awareness, Acceptance, Authorship, Articulation, Application, Activism, and Altruism. (I added in an eighth A, Adventure, later, to explain what I'd learned and where I think I'm going next.)

The series has received overwhelming response, including an upcoming mention in Laura Rowley's Yahoo! Finance Column. This column receives 42 million unique hits per week.

When I say the series has received overwhelming response, I do not mean 'overwhelmingly positive response,' but simply overwhelming. Bi-polar overwhelming, very positive along with some excruciatingly negative.

Musta worked.

I could ruin your experience of simply reading the columns by explaining them, but I guess I won't (this time)! Instead, I'll just list 'em in order and wait for your contribution to the pile of bi-polar feedback.

Part two, Acceptance: The Panhandler’s Paradox, where I bum for change in Vienna and end up changing myself.
Part three, Authorship: My Own Self-Help Book, where I learn enough to be cynical but choose not to become cynical.
Part four, Articulation: Finding My Voice Again, where I channel my tough-skinned, tight-lipped ancestors.
Part five, Application: Working Anyway, where the cost of idleness outweighs the price of work.
Part six, Activism: Can You Hear Me Now?, where I explain how my business managed to make over four billion dollars more than General Motors.
Part seven, Altruism: Greater Gifts, (Amy likes this one best), where I start chipping my new self from solid stone.
And the final installment, Adventure: Neighborly Naked, where I rediscover the transformative power of tighty whiteys.

I will comment further on the experience in a later post.

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