
Rendered Fat Content

Postcard From The Wedge ∆ - Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

I was sick. We’d carefully planned the workshop. I was the lead dog. Amy was playing backup.

So I had a responsibility to deliver on my commitment. But just before noon on the third day, feeling as though I had spent the morning trudging through chest-deep snow, I bailed out.

Amy was a little peeved at first, but she took the reins as I fled to our over-heated hotel room to shiver the afternoon away. I could do nothing else.

The workshop ended delightfully well. It was in good, honest, skillful hands. Though some of the attendees had come to work with me, they received an unintended bonus.

I’ve refused to listen to my body enough to understand that it rarely lies to me. I wish I could say as much about my side of our relationship. I’ve learned through frequent, painful repetition, that my attempts at self-sacrifice for the good of the effort at best get in the way of delightful, surprising outcomes.

The math never worked. How could we achieve our best if I chose to insist upon self-sacrifice?

My most powerful learning experiences have arrived just like this. The lead I was following threw me the reins and disappeared, leaving me unprepared and disoriented. Had I been ready, I might have learned nothing.

There really is no adequate replacement for a sincere lack of preparation. How ever well you prepare.

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